Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Good Month

This month is going to be great! Been pretty good so far!

I am starting to get more hours at Kohls which is a great thing! July 4th I had to work thought but it will be a pretty good paycheck :D The good month continues to go on this past few days with Shanita and Trikia coming into town and we all got ice cream and played games until 3 AM!

The rest of the month is going to be a blast! I work everyday except Friday. Then I have a few days off in which I will be packing! Where am I going you ask.....well ALABAMA! I am finally returning to Alabama for a few days. I leave next Tuesday and stay until the following Sunday. I am going down for Colin and Christina's wedding and to see everybody down there. I am so looking forward to it and can't wait!

As soon as a get back, on July 23, WWE Raw celebrates its 1,000th episode! It is going to be EPIC with legends returning and some major plot twists. After this every episode will be 3 hours long.

After the 23rd, nothing much is going to happen but after all the stuff going on in the next two weeks, it might be nice to relax.

Let's do this!

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