Thursday, May 10, 2012

Favorite TV Time

This time of the year is my favorite when it comes to TV shows = finale season!

This season has been 5 - 10 months in the making and it makes for great television.

I am following only show really at this time and that is NCIS! It has always been one of my favorite shows and has had some major twists and turns in the past. This season has been a little boring but that has all changed in the past 2-3 episodes. The season finale is next Tuesday and it is going to be crazy. Michael Weatherly, who plays, Tony tweeted that everybody should bring tissues Tuesday for the episode. There has been a focus on Gibbs but I think they might throw a twist in there with Tony and Ziva. We shall see.

Another show that I have been following is Desperate Housewives. I have been following it since the beginning and it is filled with drama. This is the final season for the show and there have been some MAJOR twists. It call comes down to a 2 hour episode on Sunday. Exciting stuff!

One show that I wish I watched was "Once Upon A Time." It is based of Disney fairy tales such as Beauty and the Beast, Pinocchio, and Cinderella. I was skipping through and caught part of an episode but was a little confused on what was happening. When it comes out on DVD, I will have to rent it for sure.

Still looking for that show that will replace Heroes though.

Love this season of television and great entertainment!

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