Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Job(s) Update

I was able to get off for the weekend so I will for sure be going on the hiking trip this weekend! Pretty excited!

As I mentioned before, there was a concern that this would put me in jeopardy for my 90-day trial period. I asked my supervisor about it and she said that as long as you get someone to take your shift (which is what I did for both scheduled days), then it won't count against you. The week or so that I take off for the wedding will count for me but when I had my interview, I specifically asked if this would be a problem and the hiring manager said no. Therefore I am fully set! :D

I also signed the last bit of paperwork for the DOT job today and my start date is going to be around June 4th. I am getting a little more excited about the job now that it is beginning to become more of a reality.

Well, that is all the updates I have for now. Will definitely blog about my hiking trip when I get back!

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