Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Another Boring Night

Monday night was extremely boring. Nobody was free to do anything so I sat around and watched TV. I feel like I have been in prison in my room due to the fact that I don't have a car at the moment. So I planned an event tonight (Wed) with some of the bookstore employees. Those plans fell through.

What gets me is the person who was hosting it, I considered a good....possibly best friend.....decided to cancel the whole thing and even through I was the only one still coming. First of all I haven't hung out with me in almost two weeks and we could have still hung out. Rent a movie or something. What makes me really aggravated is that he text me and said that he was going to his girlfriend's house. ditched for the girlfriend. To be honest, made me pretty upset. So now I am once again stranded in this prison with nothing to do.

This is not how I was wanting to spend my few weeks in Mobile......stuck in a 4-sided cement prison.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Car = Freedom

In case you haven't heard by my post on facebook or following me on twitter (@samswindler), my car broke down outside of Atlanta on the way back to Mobile. After waiting minutes for the tow truck and waiting for the mechanic at NAPA to tell us what is wrong with the car, the fuel pump is the problem! The guy said that it was a 3 hour job and they closed in a hour. Meaning that we had to live the car in Atlanta! Yeah.....five hours away. We are scheduled to pick it up Friday afternoon in which my Dad will have to drive me back to Atlanta on his way to Jacksonville (5 hours) and then i have to drive me back (5 hours).

Anybody can do that basic math, that is a total of 10 hours of driving on Friday afternoon starting at 12:00 PM! not looking forward to that drive. I just drove 20+ hours over the thanksgiving break and plus I will have to drive by myself. I am currently trying to convince some friends to go up with me so that I can have someone drive back with me. Not looking good so far.

On top of all this I have to depend on people for rides and such before Friday. I am very dependent when it comes to my car and rides to places. I feel like I have to pay them back for giving me rides, even though that is what friends are for....being there when you need it. However that is just me. Also I am going to miss the BCM Christmas last Christmas party and I am going to miss it! Great. Stupid car.........great timing!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

3 Weeks!

In exactly 3 weeks from today, I will be graduating from the University of South Alabama with a bachelor of science in meteorology. I have so many mixed emotions.

Happy - Excited - Sad - Scared - Terrified

I am beyond ready to be done with school but I am absolutely not ready to leave my friends down here. I am going to spend the next 3 weeks spending as much time as I can with them before I leave. I can already tell that it is going to get emotional!

Black Friday

You know, the day in which thousands of people go to several department stores to get great deals and people go crazy! Yea, we all know the just happened a few days ago and guess who was in the middle of it....yeah me! I actually didn't go to shop but I went with my cousin to Walmart and Game Stop. We got to Walmart right at 10:00 PM, which is when the first wave of deals started and it was CRAZY! We went to the electronics to find a game for my Mom (weird I know) and at 9:59 PM people started to tear open the boxes for $.99 DVDs and other sales. This poor old employee lady was all in the middle of it and ducked when the boxes went flying. My cousins and me just stood there and watched and laughed. Needless to say, we didn't find the game and left.

James and me then went to Game Stop and waited until their store opened at midnight. We stood in a line at 11:00 and he got a Zelda 3DS system. Nothing really happened at Game Stop except this one family got into an argument about cutting into line.

We drove by Best Buy to see how long the line was and it was still wrapped around the building at 12:30 AM....the store opened at 12. Craziness.

After this I went back to the house. My sister and me went to Best Buy, Walmart, and Toys-R-Us to look at the carnage and to see what is left. After all the madness I walked out with the Star Wars trilogies on blu-ray. Excited!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Laughing At Myself

Sometimes I crack myself up. I two instances today in which I cracked myself up.

1. I put my car in the shop to get an oil change before my trip home tomorrow and just told them to do an oil change and that I was leaving and would come back later to pick it up. Me not thinking, gave them my keys. Not just my car key but ALL of my keys, including my room key. I went to class and walked out to start going back to my room to finish packing and realized that I didn't have my keys. Ha! Stranded on campus and not sure what to do. So I go and visit my boss......a nerd I know.

2. Speaking of my boss, I have been thinking of what to get her for such a great time at the bookstore. I decided to do a scrapbook about my time as a softgoods employee. Not going to give away all the stuff in the scrapbook but one page will be all the past employees that she has hired since hiring me. One of them is Donald Smith. We didn't become great friends and I didn't have a photo of him. So I started to can I get a photo of him. BAM! It hit me....facebook! I couldn't remember his last name at the time so a search on facebook didn't work. I went to a friend's page (Ben) who currently works with us and found Donald's girlfriend in a photo with Ben's girlfriend. Clicked on that photo which lead me to her profile page and there it was "in a relationship with Donald Smith." BINGO! Found a photo of Donald. Saved it and printed it off......I was proud of myself but I also felt like such a creeper! Still cracked myself up haha.

Yep, I crack myself up sometimes....actually a lot.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


IDC = I dont care.

As graduation approaches, am I getting this attitude of I don't care any more. I don't care about school and I especially don't care about who I make mad or anything like that. Recently there were some rumors started around the BCM about how I liked a freshman female. First of all I hardly knew this girl and at the time i was not looking to be in a relationship. It really upset me that this rumor was started around the BCM of all places. I expect that from the MET department or the bookstore but not the BCM. This made me not like the BCM that much but I got over it. Now more drama has occurred and at the point where idc.

If you want to cause drama then go ahead. I'm graduating in less than a month and then I will be out of all this stupid drama. I hate drama. The end.

Monday, November 14, 2011

T - 33

Its 6:48 A.M. and I am awake, but I don't have class until 9:05 A.M. Why am I awake? Doing of the disadvantages of the dorm, you have to wait until they are empty which is usually in the morning and early afternoon. So what else do you do at (now) 6:50 A.M.? I obviously blog haha.

Some thoughts that have been going through my head lately....

The latest countdown until graduation is 33 days away!!! I am more excited than anything as I am ready to get out of school for a while. On the other hand I will miss my friends who are here in Alabama. I had to admit that other day that I would return as Alabama now runs through my veins, even though I make fun of Alabama. I am trying to plan as much stuff with my friends down here as possible so I enjoy these last few moments with them. I know that my friends in Charleston are pretty excited about me coming back and spending more time with them as I rarely got to see them throughout college. (WARNING: I am about to quote a Miley Cyrus song). Why can't I have the best of both worlds!!!???

The job search is pretty much going no where. There are jobs opening up in the NWS but everybody is applying for those so the competition is tough. I don't want to end up with some random job, as I have worked for 5 years for a degree in meteorology, not a degree in customer service or anything like that. Oh well, that is life I guess. Going to continue to search for a real job.

I have less than 33 days left at work as I probably won't work that last week since it will be so crazy. THANK GOODNESS!!!! Everyday I walk into the bookstore, the more I am ready to leave. The store drives me crazy with all the lazy people and the stupid drama. I am having no motivation to do anything and the boss sees that, which probably isn't good. We have a good relationship where we can mess with each other so I know she is not going to fire me and she realizes that I am pretty much halfway out the door. Our last football game is this week......GO JAGS! We are still undefeated at home, which is pretty cool!

As for the girlfriend front, not much change. I have been looking and one has been brought into my mind but I am still praying about it. We have had a tough history here at South and not sure if it would work out. Still praying about that.

I went to Walmart the other night to get a few things and I grabbed a box of pop-tarts and behind this box of pop-tarts [hot fudge sundae flavor] was another box of pop-tarts (revolutionary concept I know) and its flavor was funfetti cake! I got very excited as this is my favorite type of cake!!! I grabbed it immediately like a kid in a candy store and through it into my buggie (is that how you spell that????). To my disappointment, its not very good.

My clothes are now in the dryer and I think it is time to move onto something else....maybe more productive? Ha. I doubt it.

Until next time.....

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


If you know me at all, then you know that very few things get me VERY of those things is David Crowder! He is in a band called David Crowder * Band, which is a christian band. They have released 6 albums over the past few years and they get better and better. They announced over the summer season that after their 7th album, they are going to break up as a band.......devastating!

They are currently on the last tour, called the 7 tour.....7 tour for the 7th (and last) album. They are coming to Mobile and who has tickets...oh yeah, you are reading his blog! I am so excited! I have a busy week school-wise and this is the only thing letting me get through this week! Thursday night can not come fast enough!

In other Crowder-related news, they announced the title of their 7th album and released the album artwork. Here is is:
In case you can't read the bottom in white letters, it says "or (a requiem mass in c [the happiest of all keys])"

It comes out January 10th and I am sure it is going to be good!!!


Today I had my "informative speech" for public speaking (if you want to know my thoughts on the class, see post below) and the most interesting part of the group was the different topics chosen. There were about 10 people in the time that I signed up for, and it was split almost 50/50 males to females. Here are some of the topics discussed:
  • Hurricanes (mine of course)
  • Domestic Violence
  • Dungeons & Dragons (board game)
  • Pigs
  • Initiative 26 (a MS law banning birth control)
  • Power Plants
  • Black Holes
  • Steel Drums
  • Drinking
  • Couponing
As you can see, very diverse group of topics.

Overall it was a pretty good class, got a little boring at the end. Oh and I made a 94 on my speech! Oh yeah!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Public Speaking

I am currently taking public speaking.....I know weird to wait until the last semester but it makes the last semester easy...and I consider it a waste of time!

It is online which makes no sense to me and they make us post these discussion responses and we are forced to respond to at least 2 other people's posts. It is just busy work and a waste of my time. I would much rather be playing video games or even reading a book than doing this stupid school work.

We also have to do 3 speeches throughout the semester. We have done one (commemorative speech) and I have to do one tomorrow (informative speech). I'm doing my speech on why hurricanes have increased over the last century due to several factors including better technology in satellites and hurricane forecasting. So naturally I'm prepared but I just don't feel like doing it. I'm sitting here looking at my outline and trying to motivate myself to write out note cards but I'm finding it hard to find that motivation.

Ugh. Guess I have to go do it now. My speech is at 12:30 tomorrow. I'm probably going to be rolling my eyes during the whole thing......such a waste of time!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Graduation is 42 days away (who is counting?) and I am beginning to have thoughts about what is going to happen after graduation.....job-wise, school-wise, etc. I am terrified but excited at the same time. I am ready for a change....ready to leave the bookstore, ready to just live life and not worry about school.

I am learning especially now, that I need to rely on God and His plan for myself as I enter this new chapter in my life.

December 17th is not far away!