Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Weekend Review
School and work...not too exciting. Went to CiCi's Pizza with Braden and it was SOO good!! I haven't had CiCi's in forever! I had some of their mac & cheese pizza, my favorite. Afterwards Braden came over to my room and we played some Super Mario Brothers, which any time Mario is involved it is a good time. He went to a softball game and did some cleaning and stuff and went to bed early.
I worked at 8 AM (yeah....not my best idea) to do inventory at the Bookstore's "downtown" storage which should be renamed to our football merchandise storage because that is all that is down there. Well if you have ever had the privilege to go down there (which I don't recommend), you would know that it is totally disorganized and a total mess!! We stayed there until 1:30 PM and did about half of the storage room. After that I went to Taco Bell to get some lunch and then the thunderstorms arrived which was a true blessing!! The wettest city in the US (Mobile) hasn't had much rain in a few weeks and we needed it. I watched the storms form on the drive to Taco Bell and then it poured once I got back to the room. I continued to watch the rain out the window and then on RADAR (which is one of the channels on the digital cable...totally excited about that!). I finished watching the "Avatar: the Last Airbender" series which is a pretty cool series! I enjoyed it very much and the ending was EPIC!!! After that I went to bed.
Woke up and went to church and then came back and ate at the lovely Market for lunch. Started on homework and did laundry at the same time....talented I know. Then went to visit Miranda at Cpt. D's and stayed there for about 3 hours talking to her and catching up on things. It was truly enjoyable. Came back and played some Super Smash Bros. and then went to bed.
Might not seem fun to some people but it is the perfect weekend I needed to survive the rest of the semester. Oh and FALL BREAK IS NEXT WEEKEND!!! Thank goodness!!!
Side Note: I'm thinking about redesigning my blog....what you think???
Until next time...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Few Minutes
This semester is totally different than the ones before it. It seems that people have changed, the campus has changed, the BCM has changed etc. Change is hard to deal with especially with me. I like things to be structured and have everything laid out in front of me. I kind of expected of this semester to be different but not this different. It is like I ran into a brick wall face on and didn't see the wall coming. I have had a hard time in dealing with the change and every time I feel like I got the hang of something life throws a curl ball at me. I hope the curl balls stop soon...
Well I have to go to class now. Until next time...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Life as of Now
With any major decision it is wise to listen to the opinions of others on what is the right decision to make. However it is okay to take bits and pieces from each person's advice to come up with your own action plan and your own decision. Some people need to learn that not everybody is going to follow their advice and to back off. Don't give advice to someone and then the next day expect that person to do it because most likely they are not going to do it the next day. Especially me...I take my time in making decisions and in pretty much everything I do. I weigh all of the options and then make a decision and act on it.
That is all the venting I'm going to do right now. The other day BJ suggested I create a weather blog and I realized that I have never talked about the weather in this blog. Well that changes today!!
Right now we are in the middle of the hurricane season and the peak of the hurricane season. If you keep up with the tropics then you know that this season is no exception for this time being the peak of the season. In the past 20 days we have four major hurricanes....a major hurricane is category 3, 4, or 5. Currently there is Hurricane Igor (Category 4) and Hurricane Julia (Category 3), as well as Tropical Storm Karl [as seen below]. None of these storms are going to affect the US in a direct way which is very good. Dr. Blackwell (Tropics Specialist & Professor at South) says that he wouldn't be surprised to see a storm form in the Caribbean soon. We shall see what will happen during the rest of the 2010 Hurricane Season.

Until next time...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
First Brief of the Year
Yesterday (Tuesday) I did my first briefing (a practice one that was not graded) and it was not that bad. It takes a lot of time to put it together though...I worked on it from about 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM with a 30 minute lunch break. A forecast for the next 24 hours must be done as well for a pre-selected city from the professor. My city (and the city for the whole week) was Portland, Maine. The city selection is based off of some weather event occurring or about to occur. A cold front was about to move over the city, therefore that city was selected. Last week we had Cherry Point, NC because of Hurricane Earl.
I felt really good about my briefing. I knew most of the stuff that Dr. Blackwell asked me or at least had some general knowledge about the topics. He said that certain charts that I did turned out to be really good and pretty accurate. So good job me on the first briefing...three more to go!