With any major decision it is wise to listen to the opinions of others on what is the right decision to make. However it is okay to take bits and pieces from each person's advice to come up with your own action plan and your own decision. Some people need to learn that not everybody is going to follow their advice and to back off. Don't give advice to someone and then the next day expect that person to do it because most likely they are not going to do it the next day. Especially me...I take my time in making decisions and in pretty much everything I do. I weigh all of the options and then make a decision and act on it.
That is all the venting I'm going to do right now. The other day BJ suggested I create a weather blog and I realized that I have never talked about the weather in this blog. Well that changes today!!
Right now we are in the middle of the hurricane season and the peak of the hurricane season. If you keep up with the tropics then you know that this season is no exception for this time being the peak of the season. In the past 20 days we have four major hurricanes....a major hurricane is category 3, 4, or 5. Currently there is Hurricane Igor (Category 4) and Hurricane Julia (Category 3), as well as Tropical Storm Karl [as seen below]. None of these storms are going to affect the US in a direct way which is very good. Dr. Blackwell (Tropics Specialist & Professor at South) says that he wouldn't be surprised to see a storm form in the Caribbean soon. We shall see what will happen during the rest of the 2010 Hurricane Season.

Until next time...
Samwise, I am in nearly the same boat that you currently are (with the whole decision thingamajiger... yeah). And I handle things the same way, listening to loved ones' opinions. Just a word of advice (that I have to keep reminding myself of too), listen to those opinions, sort them out, but remember that God is the One with the answer. Run to Him, and let Him clue you in as to what He wants... sometimes that much easier said than done. Cha.