The train ride took roughly 19 hours one way to complete. On the way up there we were not prepared at all! The ride back though we decided to try something. Erin, Savannah, and me thought it would be a good idea to get some Tylenol PM to help us fall asleep. We got some at Union Station and boarded the train at around 6:30 PM. At around 8:30 PM Ainsley asked for some and then everybody started to ask for some. We had 13 people go with us and out of those 13, 7 of us took some of the drugs. Few of us didn't take ours until later but Erin, Ainsley, Morgan, and Zeb took it then. Erin decided she would try to fight it and Ainsley and her were hilarious.
Ainsley suggested that I take video of them, and anybody who knows me, knows that I jumped on that opportunity immediately. So I give you the two videos of them on Tylenol PM...
NOTE: This is raw, unedited video. What you see if the real thing.
Good times....
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