Even though I graduate in December, I am already starting to think about what will happen after I graduate college. Where will I work? Where will I go for grad school? Who will keep in touch with me? Who will I keep in touch with?
Not sure why but it hit me pretty hard last night and I lost a lot of sleep because of it. I have to make a lot of decisions in the next 5 months, some pretty tough decisions regarding grad school and jobs. I will be leaving Mobile in December to move back to Charleston for 7 months in which I have to find a job during that time. I will then move again to head to grad school (location still unknown).
I just need to hand it over to God and put it in His hands. I can tell you this though, the next 8 months are going to be rough...
Dude, you can ask Fred. The last couple of months in Mobile before I graduated/moved away... were miserable! I cried... sometimes almost daily. Ugh! Things will work out. And the last statement, TRUE! If you give things to God, He is faithful to provide! (might not be exactly what you want... fyi. Haha!)