Thursday, May 5, 2011

Past Couple Weeks...

If you are observant then you will realize that I haven't blogged since end of is the beginning of May now.....tisk tisk.

Well the reason why I haven't blogged in a while is because I have been CRAZY busy with school work and life issues.

Let's begin with school work...

Today was my last day of classes for Spring 2011 semester! WOOHOO!!! All that stands between me and freedom is 3 finals, a paper, and a verification briefing. Piece of cake.....not really. This week alone I have had to do 2 presentations, which I made both A's on! Take that society! Also I have been working on the year-end video for the BCM. It has taken a lot of work and now I am in the DVD production step which takes FOREVER! It takes at least 1 1/2 hours to burn one DVD and I already have about 20 DVD pre-orders.....its going to be a long 24 hours!

So that's the end of school work, now onto life issues....

Well the biggest thing taking up my time in the past week or so has been my stupid, annoying, tiring, broken down car! It has been in the shop for the past 2 weeks [putting it back in tomorrow]. It has had over $900 of repairs and it is still not fixed! I don't think the mechanics know what is wrong with it. This causes several problems as I have to rely on people, I am stranded on campus, and I leave for CHS in one week!!! Yea big problem!

Come 3:00 PM next Thursday I will be free and on my Summer break! Can. Not. Wait.

Also I started to date an amazing girl....taylor hamm! She is so funny and so cool! We have been dating for about 3 weeks now. It's been pretty fun!

So yeah thats my life right now. I must say life is good (minus the car problems).

1 comment:

  1. OOoeeeooo. Taylor Hamm. :)

    Just kidding. Yay for summer. Boo for car troubles. Yay for no more classes. Boo for car troubles. Tennis anyone??
