God is amazing! He does things for you when you don't even ask.
This week was going to be a very long week! I have the first Radar test Wednesday and then my first Differential Equations test on Friday. Each course require a lot of studying and there was no way I would be able to study for both of them as much as I needed. On top of this I woke up this morning with a slight soar throat and I'm afraid that my allergies are beginning to mess up.
I went to Radar class today and he barely went over what was on the test and he told us how much we had to know. Kind of freaking out. I went to Different Equations class after that this morning and the first thing the teacher said was "we have a test this Friday, I am pretty sure that I am going move it." BLESSING!!!
This was a huge burden lifted off of my shoulder and I can breathe and relax a little bit now. As for the sickness part, I just woke up from a two hour nap and feel a little better.....enough so that I can study for Radar. The pollen in the air is currently being washed away by the rain, and its not over yet, there is rain forecasted for every day this week!
Yep, God is amazing!