Thursday, February 16, 2012


This Monday I am going to loose my wisdom....teeth. I am having the surgery Monday morning at 10:45 AM. The surgeon was recommended by my dad and he seems pretty good. He is pretty young and seemed real down to earth for the brief moments I met with him the other day. The main part I am nervous about is the sedation. I am getting an IV sedation, and I have never been sedated. Please pray for me for the surgery to go well and for the recovery to be quick. It would greatly appreciated.

My View on V-Day

This past Tuesday the nation turned pink, not for breast cancer, but for Valentine's Day. I figured I would share my view on this "holiday."

Just going to be blunt. I HATE Valentine's Day. I think it is too commercialized (just like every other holiday) and the purpose of it is dumb. I know the point is to show love for one's significant, which is nice. However, shouldn't we do that everyday? Why spend a special day to do something special, everyday should be special! I also do not like the color red or pink and as anybody knows, that is an overload on that day. I walked into Wal-mart and red/pink helium balloons were everywhere....I wanted to run out immediately.

So basically Valentine's Day to me is a over-commercialized, useless holiday. Of course it could just be that I am a guy. It appears that female love the pun intended.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Life Is Good

At last! Things are finally looking good here in Charleston! For a while things were extremely boring I just wanted to move out everyday. But now I do not have that feeling. Sure there are days that I want to move out but mostly I am not home to complain that much. Here are a few things that have been happening...

As my post below says, I have been volunteering at the NWS. Haven't gone back yet but I am talking with the person in charge to get me to volunteer more. I have spent most of my time at church helping out the youth pastor out with some things. Been doing the sound during the youth service and just helping him on Wednesdays getting ready for the youth service.

The church is celebrating its 140th anniversary and I was put on the committee and since then we have already had two meetings, which are very boring. Chris and me have just been put in charge of getting some of the memorabilia items. I have also been helping another member, Brendon, with producing a video that commemorates the history of Ridge Baptist. Its been a lot of work but we presented the final draft to the staff and they liked (minus a few minor changes) and it will be presented this Saturday at the first of four events to commemorate the big anniversary for the church.

Also I did get a job at K-mart and have orientation either Friday or Saturday. Still not sure when i will get to start but will probably find out during orientation. This will get me out of the house more and that is exciting!

Yep, that is a summary of my life over the last few days. Loving life right now!

Oh and Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Yesterday I officially started volunteering at the NWS-CHS. I shadowed the intern at the office, who is in charge of upper air which basically means that he launches the weather balloon and does quality control on the raw data. The goal of shadowing was to give me experience so that I can get a better score on NWS applications. With that in mind, this is what I did last night...

I went in at 4:45 and stayed until 8:30. When I got there the intern (Doug) went over what we were going to be doing and gave a little more in depth tour of the background operations of the NWS. After that we went and got the weather balloon ready for launch. Dough allowed me to do as much as I could so that I can put on the applications that I have actually done it. After that we went and got the rawinsonde ready for the launch. We got everything ready and he allowed me to launch the balloon. Pretty cool! We then went in and watched the data coming in. We continued this for the hour and a half while discussing with other meteorologists about the future of the NWS and possible career tracks. Very informative.

The flight ended after 103 minutes and went as high as 10 mb! After that I shortly left but it was a great experience. We are currently working on me coming back during a severe weather event and to shadow a forecaster. The main thing I got last night was that if confirmed that I made the right career choice!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Last week on WWE Monday Night Raw, my favorite wrestler, The Undertaker, returned from nearly a year absence! His return was unexpected and honestly sent chills down my spine! I couldn't wait until this week's episode of Raw but was greatly dissapointed. They never showed him live but in some pre-recorded promo. Guess I will have to wait until next week!


No this is not about the Pixar movie, "Up!" Things are finally looking up in regards to my life.

Today I was planning out my day and was going to go to the Post & Courier Career Expo and then I received a call from K-Mart! The HR lady asked me to come in at noon for an interview for a new store on Ladson Road. I said yes! So noon finally rolled around and went for my interview and it went well and I was offered a job on the spot! Started to fill out the paperwork and then went to take a drug test. Assuming everything comes back good (which it should), I will have a job officially around Monday at noon!

I am not sure what I would be doing yet, but will find out at orientation next Friday. Most likely I would be doing cashier or electronics as that is what I applied for. Needless to say, it is not a meteorology job but it is a job that provides some income. I am pretty excited about it and am sure I will have plenty of stories to tell!

Also got an email from Mississippi State saying that my application is complete and being reviewed now. Hopefully I get accepted there and can do masters while working here in Charleston! Yes things are looking up!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Eating Habits

Humans are a creatures of habit. We have certain routines in the morning and like our comfort zones. I like my comfort zones in my food habits. I am very OCD when it comes to eating. Nothing can be touching on my plate, I will go get another plate if there is too much liquid on my plate. I can't have my food mixing at all! It is just the way I am.

Today though I made a breakthrough! Chris Mims and Don Albertson and myself went to a local hold in the wall restaurant called, Perfectly Frank's. It was featured on the food channel's show, "Diners, Drive-Ins, Dives." It is a hot dog joint and they pretty much put anything they want on hotdogs. I got the hot dog called "Frank Morgan" and it had mac & cheese on the top. I was weary about trying it but once I started to eat, I couldn't put it down! Most delicious hot dog have ever tasted! Would recommend you visit this place if you live in Summerville or if you are just visiting!

Side note: No fatty jokes Jaclyn :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Deal With It

This past weekend I spent a lot of time thinking about where I am in life right now. I spent the past 3 years away and didn't keep up with some friendships like I should had and is now dealing with that (get ready, that phrase is going to be used a lot, hence the name of the post). Here are some examples...

Example A: Tim Tackett. A great friend during high school and my first year of college. Went to Passion and stuff and spent a lot of time together. After winter break, found out that he got a girl pregnant and and then married her. Now he doesn't have much time to do anything and when he can, we usually go over to his house and watch tv while the children cry and are loud. He works with some other people that have kids that go to Ridge and they come over so its pretty much a play date for the kids. Example was tonight while trying to watch the Super Bowl, kids were crying left and right. I would have enjoyed the commercials better at my house.

Example B: Broc and Amburr. They got married and have been married for a while but that didn't change anything. I have known Amburr for a while and Broc and me can just pick up from where we left off. Now though they have a kid and live a littler further away. I have only seen them once since being back. They stopped going to Ridge, so I don't get to see them at church any more.

Example C: Shanita. Shanita is probably my best friend from Charleston. We played in the marching band together and was the main person I kept in contact during college. I get back to Charleston and she has moved to Columbia to go to USC. Lame. I have seen her one weekend since being back since she works. I have called her a lot and just chatted but its not the same.

Yeah things have changed over the past 3 years. There are more examples but that would take up so much space. People have found new friends and moved on with their lives. I have come back to life that I left behind and I am trying to put back together and pretend I didn't leave for 3 years. The only problem is that you can't just imagine that the last 3 years didn't exist. It is weird learning how to pick up an old life but with a twist on it. I will say that one person who has been there has been Chris Mims. He just graduated college and he just got engaged but nothing has really changed with that friendship. I can tell him pretty much anything and complain to him and he has seen the change in people just as I have.

Yep dealing with issues like this suck but I must move on and just, well, deal with it.

Job Opportunity #1: PASS

After spending a weekend thinking about it, I am passing the opportunity of working at Ridge Academy. I did this based on two things:

1. Main reason....I am not that great with kids. There is a certain age that I have had experienced with and that is roughly the 2-year old age time frame. I would be dealing with kids older than that and I am just not suited for that yet.

2. The pay is minimum wage, which you probably thinking that I am just being picky. I talked to a friend who had this job about 6 months ago and he said he only got a .25 raise after being there for almost 3 years. I know I won't be here for 3 years but if I am here for at least a year (which could happen), I would like the possibility of a raise.

Those are the two main reasons. And so the job search continues. I am taking it to the next step and will start making some phone calls tomorrow and there is a career expo on Tuesday that I am going to! I am hoping to have a job by the end of the week! Go team (as colin would say)!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Job Opportunity #1

I received a phone call around 9:30 AM this morning from Mr. Genry Ard, Principal of Ridge Christian Academy, asking me to come in earlier than 11....about an hour earlier haha. Luckily I was up and running [barely running after little sleep] and made it to the church by 10:05 AM. I didn't meet with Mr. Ard but with Ms. Mizell. She started off with "so you are here for an interview" and I kindly looked at her and said "really I am not sure why I am here except for the fact that Mr. Ard told me to be here." We laughed at the whole situation and she went over what I would be doing if I took the job.

Basically I would be doing the after school program for the kindergarten through the 6th grade. This would include watching them and doing activities with them. The times are M-F from 11-6, which isn't too bad. My only concern is that I am not that great with kids so I am not sure how could I would be with the job. On the other hand, I believe that God put this opportunity into my hands as I did not apply for it and it came out of nowhere. The director at the academy gave me until Monday to decide. After all it is a job and is temporary. Lots to think about...

Another One Bites the Dust

Received an e-mail this morning about a meteorology job status.....didn't make it to the "selecting officer"......again. This one was for Hawaii which I wasn't to sad about but on the other hand it was Hawaii, who doesn't want to go to Hawaii?

The other statuses on my other jobs that I have applied for are still goo so far. I am still in the running for meteorology intern positions sin the following states: SC, NC, FL, VA, PA, TX (2), and AK. In case you don't remember what the acronym for AK is, its Alaska. It will probably be about two weeks before my status changes on those.

As for the local job search...not much from that either until last night. The principal of the academy at my church leaned over to me during a meeting and asked if I still needed a job. I told him yeah. A few minutes later he leaned over again and told me to be at the church at 11 to meet with him. He had to leave before the meeting ended so I'm not quite sure what is going on haha. Will of course update all my followers after 11!