Monday, February 6, 2012

Eating Habits

Humans are a creatures of habit. We have certain routines in the morning and like our comfort zones. I like my comfort zones in my food habits. I am very OCD when it comes to eating. Nothing can be touching on my plate, I will go get another plate if there is too much liquid on my plate. I can't have my food mixing at all! It is just the way I am.

Today though I made a breakthrough! Chris Mims and Don Albertson and myself went to a local hold in the wall restaurant called, Perfectly Frank's. It was featured on the food channel's show, "Diners, Drive-Ins, Dives." It is a hot dog joint and they pretty much put anything they want on hotdogs. I got the hot dog called "Frank Morgan" and it had mac & cheese on the top. I was weary about trying it but once I started to eat, I couldn't put it down! Most delicious hot dog have ever tasted! Would recommend you visit this place if you live in Summerville or if you are just visiting!

Side note: No fatty jokes Jaclyn :)

1 comment:

  1. But Sam, I am DYING to....

    P.S. - I tried a chicken-doughnut sandwich in Norman, Oklahoma nearly four years ago now. It was okay, nothing that I would eat again. So that makes us even. :)
