"Whale Wars" is TV series in which the conversation group, Sea Shepherds, battle with the Japan in the Antarctica over the killing of several species of whales. According to the group they have been very successful and this upcoming season is supposed to be the most violent and most entertaining. The new season premieres June 1 and I can't wait!
However until then they have a related show airing now called "Whale Wars: Viking Shores." It is focuses on the Faroe Islands, which is between Iceland and Scotland. The people on these islands have a ritual called the grind in which tens of boats form a semi-circle and bring in tons of pilot whales toward the shore where hundreds of people wait to run into the water and kill the whales. According to the show, the whales are used to feed the people on the islands. The Sea Shepherds believe the Grind is violent and too deadly for the whales. They have a land, air, and sea crew and are aimed at preventing the Grind, which is illegal on the islands and could lead up to 4 months in prison.
To me I don't see the big deal about it. It's not like the killing of the whales is making the whale population go extinct or are the species endangered. I agree with their campaign against the Japan as that is a much bigger killing but this seems a little more provoking than conservation. Needless to say, it is still pretty good entertainment. I am ready for Whale Wars to return on June 1 though!
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