Saturday, March 24, 2012


Just got the letter in the mail from the Town of Summerville saying I did not get the ticket sales job. Bummer.

Sadly I'm getting use to being denied as this is the 4th time now. Recently I have been getting really down after every time I was denied. This time I didn't get down. I tried something new with this interview. Before I have tried to guess on whether or not I got the job or not. This time I didn't have any expectations. Whatever happened, happened, and you can't change anything. It actually worked out. Sure I'm dissapointed but I am not depressed or upset.

So, onto more applications. In the past 4 days I have filled out about 15 applications. I have a plan on talking to the pastor at the church this week. Planning on doing more in the upcoming days as well! Taking a break over the weekend and continue on Monday!

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