Tuesday, March 20, 2012

One of Those Days...

Today has been one of those days. It really started last night when someone text me and asked why I hate them. I HATE those questions especially when they come out of nowhere. The reasoning behind the question was so childish and it mad me very angry. I tried to resolve it before the night ended but it didn't get ended until today. So I woke up with this annoyance. I thought working in the yard would help my mood but it didn't.

As the day progressed and I didn't get any phone calls related to interviews which kind of made me depressed. I pulled up my bank account and pretty much my spending has to stop immediately, which sucks because now I have to sit around the house and do nothing but watch tv and movies. Oh joy. On top of this it seemed that everybody who talked to me mad me mad or annoyed today.

I had to resolve the issue which probably isn't resolved but I don't care anymore. This person is about to get married and needs to grow up fast. Another person from the past bugged me and was impatient. Why can't people be patient?? My day was coming to a close when Mom came home and said I should start volunteering but that uses gas which is very expensive and I don't really have the money. Got over that later on and now I am watching NCIS which is a pretty good episode. Thought my day would end on a fairly good note when while I'm watching TV and Randall (step-dad) comes down and turns off every light in the living room leaving me in the dark......um hello? Rude! And people wonder why I can't stand him.

Yep, one of those days.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your boredom pains... and had to laugh at the lights off and "Hello, rude!" Haha. But hopefully words of sympathy, I am dealing with stupid high-school actions from people that I work with. Unfortunately, immature and petty actions will follow you wherever you go. It sucks. Sorry about the job situation, but I know that God's got something better out there for you... Patience, friend. And believe you me, patience is a hard thing when you are where you are.
