Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fun Weekend Ahead?

This is me hoping that this weekend will be fun. Most of it will be spent in Columbia with my sister. We are going up Friday to watch my nephew play in a baseball game. After that we are spending the night up there. This includes me sleeping in my old bunked bed, in which I out grew years ago.....joyous.

Saturday includes going to another game for my nephew and then it is off to a birthday party for my niece. Sounds fun right? Not when it is a "My Little Pony" party. It is going o be girly and pony-ish. Woohoo...........*sigh*

We come back late Saturday night. Sunday is the usual with church and then we are watching Thor sunday night in preparation for the Avengers....probably going to be the highlight of my weekend.

Hopefully this weekend will be a fun weekend.

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