Monday, April 23, 2012

Next Three Days

This is not about the movie starring Russel Crowe. This is literally about my next three days. One word: hectic.

Today I am spending the day with Mom doing shopping, which is what we have been doing the past two days she has had off. Then working on a video for the church that is premiering next Sunday and I haven't started on it....oops. After that it is WWE Raw, which is a special 3 hour episode tonight. Unfortunately we are starting at 10 PM....blah.

Tomorrow is the biggest day. I am shadowing at the NWS from 9AM - 4PM and then its back home for a quick bit and then off to Kohl's for orientation from 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM. Going to be the longest day I have had since I graduated in which I am actually doing things.

Wednesday is a so-so day. Mainly spending the day working on the church video then its church that night....assuming I am not working. We have a committee meeting where I am going to present part of the video for reviews and suggestions.

Yep pretty hectic. Mom is coming downstairs which means that my hectic three days are about to begin. Later alligator!

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