Thursday, April 19, 2012

What Just Happened?

As I have mentioned time and time again, I am planning an Avengers Premiere event and invited almost 15 people. Today was the deadline to let me know if you were going. We have a group of 11 people going....not bad.

So today I went and picked up the tickets. I asked the group almost 2 weeks ago if they wanted 3D or 2D. One person responded with 2D and the rest said 3D. I am not a huge fan of 3D but I wanted to see this movie in 3D. So I got the tickets for the 3D showing. Took a photo of it and uploaded it to twitter. Man, the feedback was outrageous!

I got a tweet from one person saying "You got all of our tickets right?"

I got a text from another person saying "You got 3D tickets?" I responded with "Yea is that alright?" It was then said "I guess. It's too late now. I thought you said 2D." This is why I don't like planning events. People don't pay attention. It was obviously voted 2-1 for 3D. It is what it is.

I got another text from a person complaining they were invited. Ummm. My bad? He is older gentleman and since I have been back he hasn't spent much interest in what I was doing. Sorry you weren't invited. Go get your own ticket! Haha.

Never thought one little photo could cause such an uproar!

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